2008-12-30 | Products History

  • 1997, T24 thermostat had been successfully developed and put into mass
    production, it was also the first one Taiwanese made thermostat.
    • T24 can be applied to home appliances such as water dispenser, microwave
      oven, space heater, oven, coffee maker, toaster, A.V.R. or U.P.S., etc.
  • 1998, T26 thermostat developed and put into mass production.
    • T26 can be applied to hair dryer.
  • 1999, T23 thermostat developed and put into mass production, it was a derivative of
    T24 thermostat.
    • T23 is also suitable for application to home appliances such as water
      dispenser, microwave oven, space heater, oven, coffee maker, toaster, A.V.R.
      or U.P.S……etc.
  • 2005, T27 thermostat developed and put into mass production, it is a derivative of
    T26 thermostat.
    • T27 is also suitable for application to hair dryer.
  • 2006, T20 thermostat has been successfully developed.
    It is made of ceramic which is more suitable for applying to high temperature
    • T20 can be applied to home appliances such as water dispenser, microwave
      oven, space heater, oven, coffee maker, toaster, A.V.R. or U.P.S., etc.